Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Research 2

So far I am having a good time researching. Since we are doing violent video games I am staying pretty interested. The database is my new favorite thing because it makes everything so easy! I love how it can cite things automatically for us and find valuable and reliable resources! I am trying to practice and learn  how to use it more efficiently. This paper, which I have yet to start writing, might be somewhat of a challenge for me though. I am having a difficult time starting because it is a factual paper and not an opinion one. I am planning on starting tomorrow and I am hoping procrastination does not get the best of me. I will try my best and hardest on this paper because I have got two 85%'s in a row and it is so frustrating! It is not bad by any means, but it is average and I do not like it. I am putting all of my english knowledge into this next paper and I hope it pays off!

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